Latest news from Cordoba 

Update 1 May


Over this last week we have had thousands of young people congregating just up the road from our house.  In Cordoba there are currently 46 crosses made of flowers all over the city, with a competition for which association has the most beautiful cross.  On that level you could see it as something positive.  Sadly though it has become often just an excuse for people drinking to excess and partying as the crosses are all surrounded by beer tents and it becomes a little like a pub crawl in the UK as people go from one to another.

The cross by our house though has seemingly been established as a youth one and the crowds of young people completely overrun the whole area like sardines in a tin much to the disgust of many of the neighbourhood. The loud music goes on until 2 am but in reality the quantity of people is so great that you can't hear the music for the voices of the people!  For us it is just a reminder of how lost Spain is especially the younger generation who have in the majority rejected God.  So please pray especially for the young people in Cordoba.
Last Saturday Cristina held another women's breakfast.  We looked at what God thinks of us through the eyes of David in Psalm 139.  It was a real challenge for the ladies to see whether what they thought of God tied up with what the Psalm said and what their response would be.  In addition to the ladies who have come frequently there were 2 Muslim ladies, one who came once the very first week but this time came with the mum of a teenage lad who comes along to the young people's meetings we periodically hold and whom we've gradually got to know.  Cristina was surprised that she came as she is more serious about her Muslim faith and knew what she was coming to.  So please pray for Carmen, Cristina, Maribel, Nina, Mirla, Salka and Agía that they will continue to draw closer to God and give their lives to Him. 

On Tuesday Maribel wrote in the Whatsapp group for the ladies about a tough time she was going through and said that Saturday had had a big impact on her but as a result was more able to deal with the situation she was in.  The group were also invited to join the next Story of God group we're starting in October and there was a very positive response.
On Saturday evening we met up with Nacho and Cristina for a meal.  We've not seen them for a while and they, like us, have had some tough months.  It was great to catch up but better still that they continued to ask questions about our beliefs trying to understand what is different.  In the process we also mentioned the Story of God starting fresh in October and Cristina said she wanted to join.  Nacho was more reticent but said that he'd come along at least once to see what it was like. Please continue to pray for Nacho and Cristina as they continue searching and trying to work out what it really means to follow Jesus.
On Sunday afternoon we were invited, along with Cristina's parents to Luis and Angela's new flat that they moved into at Easter.  Luis and Angela have been doing the Story of God evenings now since the beginning and it was wonderful that they felt able to invite Cristina's parents into their new home too.  In Southern Spain it is not common to invite people into your home so this was a real step that they felt able to invite us a family and it was a real blessing to Cristina's parents to feel accepted.  Please continue to pray for Luis and Angela and the others who have been looking at the Bible with us, as they begin to consider the cost of following Jesus. 
On 9th May we return to England for a few weeks.  Initially we will be at High Leigh for an ECM retreat for British workers but after that were hope we might see you whilst travelling around and hear about all that God is doing in your lives too.  Please pray for Cristina's parents in our absence as it will be their first time alone in Cordoba since the operation.
Looking forward to seeing you and rejoicing in God's goodness together!
With love in Jesus
Terry and Cristina